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Inspiration: Staircase Street Art
Statement staircases are trending in 2025, but dare you go as bold as these street art examples?
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Discover the wide variety of materials and finishes for your bespoke staircase
Explore our range of finishes and materials to complete your bespoke staircase.
Pets and Spiral Staircases
Cats may see it as a playground and dogs may need some training going down rather than up.
Clockwise or Anti-Clockwise Considerations for Spiral Staircases
Architects should ask clients which way feels more natural to them and explore the reasoning
Replacing a Spiral Staircase
Many people ask if it is possible to replace a spiral staircase with a new one and what is involved.
The resurgence of concrete in staircase design
Eric our MD and resident expert on all things staircases looks at the increasing popularity of concrete as a material for staircase design