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Harry and the Recycled Spiral Stairs – A Christmas Feel-Good Story
Harry, 86, has crafted 100s of props for local pantomimes in Cornwall. When Spiral UK heard his story, they realised they could help...
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How to Choose a Staircase – i-build Magazine March 2021
Featured in March 2021 i-build magazine - things to think about when designing a feature staircase in your self-build or renovation
Square Spiral Stairs
We're very good at the intricacies of spiral stair engineering & fabricating to fit, but we're also great at other stair solutions.
Spiral UK | The bespoke staircase manufacturers
We design, manufacture and install high-end staircases from concept to completion - find out how staircase manufacturers work.
Guidance on building regulations for residential staircases
When considering staircase design ideas in your home its always worth being aware of the regulatory implications. Read our guidance.
Discover the wide variety of staircase materials and finishes on the market
When it comes to selecting staircase materials and finishes you have lots of options to choose from.